In Testament, Canadian author Nino Ricci tells a fictionalized account of Jesus's life, focusing on him as a man. The novel is divided into four sections, each told by a different person in his life. The different narrators are Judas, Mary Magdalene, his mother Mary, and Simon, a young Syrian shepherd. The author couples his fanciful story of Jesus as a mere mortal becoming myth with a realistic depiction of political and ethnic intrigue of the era. It's an approach that some will find blasphemous and others will find thought-provoking.

We come to know Yeshua through the eyes of four disparate people. First, through Yihuda, a committed political fighter who is invigorated by their discussions about a sovereign state for the Jews - a place Yeshua imagines as a philosophical rather than physical kingdom. Through Miryam of Migdal we come to learn of the controversy of Yeshua's teachings as the two travel through Galilee -Yeshua encouraging the many to question the teachings of the powerful few. Through Miryam, his mother, we learn of Yeshua's all-too-human vulnerability, the rigor of his conviction and his unfailing compassion. Finally, through Simon of Gergesa, a Greek shepherd that witnesses the last days of the Jewish preacher that he calls Jesus.